What kinds of questions do you think you would be able to answer about this topic if you were researching it for a school assignment?

Explore a topic that you would be interesting in learning more about.

Briefly describe the topic you are interested in. Why are you interested in it? If you have trouble thinking of something, consider describing a topic that you’ve written about for another class.

Your description should be 1-2 paragraphs. To develop your description, you may answer some or all of the following questions:

What do you already know about this topic? How did you acquire this knowledge? How would you go about learning more about this topic? If you’re writing about about something you’ve researched for another class, be specific in detailing your research methods and how found specific sources.

What kinds of questions do you have about this topic? What kinds of questions do you think you would be able to answer about this topic if you were researching it for a school assignment?

Would you have any concerns about researching this topic? That is, do you think you would run into any problems or would it be easy?