What recommendations would you make to leadership as the company heads toward the end of 2020?


You are to provide a research report based on one of the following companies:
• Tesla
• Netflix
• Uber

The paper should be 10-12 pages l(excluding the cover page, table of contents, and references),
type-written, and double-spaced. This is an individual (and not a group) research project. You
need to search the company reports, trade Journals, academic publications, books, and other
published materials and review the assigned cases for this course.

o Table of contents.

o Executive summary. In this one page, numbered 1, summarize key issues that you
discussed in the paper.

o The company. This section discusses the company’s history, the nature of its business
(i.e., the kind of goods or services offered), and its delivery method to customers (e.g.,
online, physical outlets, intermediaries).

The company’s target customers (e.g., children, ladies, investors) and target market (e.g., local, national, international). Provide data about market size interms of customers. Strategic assets of the company (e.g., patents, unique technology, leadership, other core and distinctive competencies).

• What impresses you about the companies? Does your company have a winning
strategy? What grade would you give Company management for the job done in
crafting the company’s strategy?

• What are the key policies, procedures, operating practices, and core values
underlying the company’s efforts to implement and execute its strategy low
cost, best value, or differentiation)?

• What is the company’s strategy? Which of the five generic competitive strategies discussed in Chapter 5 most closely fits the competitive approach that your company is taking? What type of competitive advantage is your company trying to achieve? What does a SWOT analysis of your company reveal about the overall attractiveness ofits situation in mid-2020?

o Industry Analysis. How strong are the competitive forces in the rapidly evolving global market for your company? Do a five-forces analysis to support your answer. What forces are driving change in this market for streamed entertainment? Are the combined impacts of these driving forces likely favorable or unfavorable regardingtheir effects on competitive intensity and future industry profitability?

• What weaknesses or problems do you see at your company as of mid-2020? What strategic issues and problems do management and executives need to address as of mid-2020?
o Financial Analysis. Analyze the company’s financial information for at least thepast
three years with tables and graphs showing, for example, profit/loss statements and
balance sheets.

o Company creativity: How creative is the company’s business model (e.g., the
introductionof new or improved goods/services, the company’s approach to becoming
profitable in thefuture based on cost and revenue or other factors. Explain in detail.

• What are the key elements of your company’s culture? Is your company a strong
culture company? Explain – why/why not? What problems will the CEO have
in maintaining this culture?

o Competitors. Discuss at least two major competitors of the company you have selected.
The discussion should focus on products, target markets, company size regarding
assets/employees, and other relevant factors.

What does your strategic group map of this industry look like? How attractively is the company positioned on the map? Why?

How does the company’s competitive strength compare against that of 2–3 streaming rivals you deem most likely to challenge the company’s current leadership position as of mid-2020?

Do a weighted competitive strength assessment using the methodology presented in Table 4.4in
Chapter 4 to support your answer. Based on your assessment and calculations, does the
company have a net competitive advantage over some/all of these rivals?

o Company prospects: What is, in your judgment, the prospect of the company? Explain in detail. If the company becomes a public enterprise (if it’s not already so), would you like to buy its stocks? Explain in detail. What key factors will determine a streaming company’s success in this industry in the next 3–5 years?

o Vision, mission, goals, objectives. Based on your research, develop a vision statement for the company, a mission statement, two goals, and two objectives for eachgoal.

o Strategy statement: Write your strategy statement for the company.

o Recommendation. List your recommendations to the company in such strategic areas as
diversification, integration, etc.

• What recommendations would you make to leadership as the company heads toward the end of 2020? Is there evidence that the company’s strategy and operating practices will allow it to survive the impact of COVID-19 on the airline industry? Explain.

• Explain in detail. What 2–3 top priority issues do management need to address?
What recommendations would you make to the CEO? At a minimum, your recommendations should cover what todo about each of the top priority issues identified in question 10.


McDonald, Sammy (2020). Entrepreneurial Strategies in Canada, Journal of Strategy, Structure,
and Teams, 10 (7), 100-110.
Fred R. David and Forest R. David (2017). Strategic Management, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall,
Inc, 77-79.
Submit the paper worth 150 points via the course Blackboard/Start Here section on or before May 5,