Write Comparison of over all content rating for free apps and paid apps (“cont_rating”: Content Rating/”price”: Price amount)


Slide 1: Mission-The App Store is saturated with applications of all sorts- meaning that not every one of them is going to be successful. From a developer’s standpoint it’s important to understand trends so that way you can make decisions based on those findings and ideally find which genre of apps are more successful. We are investigating the correlations between price, rating and popularity for free and non-free apps.

Utilizing datasets to find where your app falls is important whether it be a Free or Paid app that can forecast if the app will succeed or not.

2: Table of Contents

3:Write Comparison of over all content rating for free apps and paid apps (“cont_rating”: Content Rating/”price”: Price amount)

Data visualization + findings

4:comparison of overall rating count (downloads) for free and paid apps (“rating_count_tot”: User Rating counts (for all version)/”price”: Price amount)

Data visualization + findings

5 Comparison of overall apps that are free and paid based by genre (“prime_genre”: Primary Genre/”price”: Price amount)

(maybe one genre has more paid apps or more free apps better for users focused on specific genres?)

Data visualization + findings

6+7 Comparison of language support / device support for free and paid apps? (“lang.num”: Number of supported languages/”price”: Price amount/”sup_devices.num”: Number of supporting devices)

Data visualization + findings

—conclusion of findings—

Example: maybe free apps are better suited for people that like specific genre or maybe paid apps support more languages


