How many people in the United States under the age of 18 lived below the poverty line in 2018?

Government Data

Answer the following questions using information from the following:

United States Census Bureau (2019, Sept.). Income and poverty in the United States: 2018.


How many people in the United States under the age of 18 lived below the poverty line in 2018?  
How many people aged 65 and older lived below the poverty line in 2018?  
How can psychologists use government data?  

Using the Library

In the Capella University Library, using Summon, search for children and poverty. How many results does this give you?  
From the Capella library home page, click Databases, under All Subjects (on the left), choose Psychology, then click PSYCArticles. Search for children and poverty.

From your search results in PSYCArticles, in the bar to your left, put a check next to Peer Reviewed, and change the publication date to 2014 to 2022. Now how many results do you have?

In your search results in PSYCArticles, in the bar to your left, find Subject: Major Heading and click Show More, then scroll to mental health and put a check next to it. Click Update. Now how many results do you have?  
Click on the title of the first result, then look to the right bar and click Cite. Then scroll to APA 7th edition.  
Click on the title of the first result, then look to the right bar and click Cite. Then scroll to APA 7th edition.  


Are these two articles about children and poverty?  
What could you have done differently to get results that were about children and poverty?  

Using Scholarly Articles

Find the following article in the Capella library and then use it to answer the following questions. Hint, you can copy and paste this reference into Summon to find the article.

Wang, Y., & Rodgers, R. (2006). Impact of service-learning and social justice education on college students’ cognitive development. NASPA Journal, 43(2), 316–337. doi:10.2202/1949-6605.1642

Read the information in the section Methodology. Describe the sample instructor and student population (who participated), number of courses, and the type of institution. Use the correct in-text citation.  
What do we know about the generalizability of this study? In the language of researchers, can the results of this study be generalized?  

Find the following article in the library and then use it to answer the following questions. Hint, you can copy and paste the reference into Summon to find the article.

Sutter, M., & Perrin, P. B. (2016). Discrimination, mental health, and suicidal ideation among LGBTQ people of color. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 63(1), 98–105.

Read the information in the section Method – Participants. Describe the sample population (who participated) in your own words. Use the correct intext citation.  
Outside of the participants in this survey, who else might the results be true for? In the language of research, who can the results be generalized to?