When did you first realize Doro was not a “normal” human being? When did you first realize he was dangerous?

Read Wild Seed, Chapter One to Four (pages 5-61)
Seed to Harvest by Octavia Butler, Grand Central Publishing, 2007.

ISBN-10: 0446698903 ISBN-13: 978-0446698900

*We will read the first novel Wild Seed

Answer ONE of the questions below.
Your response should be TWO paragraphs.

Provide at least TWO pieces of evidence from the novel to support your answer. It can be a quote, paraphrase, summary, or specific details. Provide a page number for quotes or paraphrases, such as (56).

Question 1:

When did you first realize Doro was not a “normal” human being? When did you first realize he was dangerous?

How did this make you feel (disturbed, scared, intrigued, etc.)? Explain why. (Feel free to use more than one emotion).

Question 2:

Several times Anyanwu refers to something as an “abomination” or shows disgust about something that Doro states. Provide two examples. For each idea, explain do you agree, disagree or both. Explain why.

Question 3:

Choose two settings to discuss such as Anyanwu’s home, any part of Anyanwu and Doro’s track to the coast, the slave port on the coast, or the ship, or any other place you choose. How did it make you feel? Explain why. (You may use one emotion or more than one for each setting.)

Question 4:

Before reading Chapter 3, what basic ideas or images did you associate with the Atlantic Slave Trade? Be honest. It’s fine if you knew very little or nothing. How did the reading revise, add to, or confirm what you already knew?