Discuss how decision making in the organization is or is not affected by this Biblical value

Please see the instructions that I have uploaded in the attachments:
*Need 5 scholarly references which can be found at
*Must use the bible as a reference
*Must also, use the book as the reference. The book information is uploaded
All of these equal 7 references.
A general format for the paper is:
• Title Page (The title should include the Biblical value.)
• Abstract (1/2 page to 1 page)
• Introduction
• Background of the company selected
• Discussion of the Biblical value
• Discussion of how the Biblical value is displayed
• Discussion of how this Biblical value is connected to the organization
• Discussion of how decision making in the organization is or is not affected by this Biblical value
• Lessons learned
• Conclusion
• References (at least 5 scholarly resouces, course texts, and the Bible)

****I’m attaching some excerpts from the book you can use in the paper and reference****