Discuss,Demographic Trends in the United States

Critique both articles below with the right amount of words for each article following all directions.
Demographic Trends in the United States: A Review of Research
in the 2000s by Andrew J. Cherlin, in Journal of Marriage and Family
June 2010, v 72:3 (403-419).
Assignment 3 – Write a 500 word critique of this article.
Suicide Mortality in the United States, 1997-2017 by Hedegarrd H,
Curtin SC, & Warner M. National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS)
Data Brief, no 330, November 2018. Hyattsville MD. National Center
for Health Statistics. Go to the following website:
Click on Mortality Data,
Click on Results & Publications, Click on Data Briefs, Look for
number 330
Assignment 5 – Write a 450 word critique of this report.