Write two paragraphs describing your topic. Include a list of 5 references you have identified that will guide the development of your program evaluation plan. These references should primarily be academic in nature (e.g., peer reviewed/scientific articles found in journals).

Please attach a document that outlines the topic you have selected for your program evaluation project. Write two paragraphs describing your topic. Include a list of 5 references you have identified that will guide the development of your program evaluation plan. These references should primarily be academic in nature (e.g., peer reviewed/scientific articles found in journals). Provide a short assessment (2 to 3) sentences for each source on how it contributes to your project.

Quick reminder that your topic is due by the end of the day Saturday. It consists of two paragraphs with at least five sources which should be cited in the text. Make sure you provide a works cited page with the sources cited in accordance to APA formatting. You should be using primarily academic (i.e., scientific) articles. Here is an example of red light cameras which was conducted in Charlotte a few years back: Effectiveness of red light running camera enforcement program in reducing crashes: Evaluation using “before the installation”, “after the installation”, and “after the termination” data (Links to an external site.).

My apologies for the late grading on it. For those of you who are not local or may not have heard the news, a current student, Michael Higgins, in our department, who I had previously and this fall semester, was killed August 22 during his internship with the NC State Highway Program. WITN has an article on it (Links to an external site.) – several of our faculty were close to him and he was set to graduate this semester.

Overall, the logic models were nicely done. Where most people lost credit was in two areas: outcomes and not completely filling out the row. Each of the boxes in a row needed to be filled out. To a lesser extent, points were lost for failing to include the paragraph describing the program.

Outputs relate to “what does the program do.” Outcomes refer to “what difference is there.” In other words, outputs are the direct products of a program’s activities and may include types, levels, and targets of services to be delivered by the program whereas outcomes are the expected changes in the population served that result from a program’s activities. It may be easier to think of a logic model as having two sides. The left hand side is the process which is the program components, activities, and outputs (the latter of which includes the direct products of a program’s activities/services and is often expressed numerically or quantified in some way). The right hand side is the outcomes comprising of short and long term outcomes (changes resulting from a program’s activities/services).

Using red light cameras as an example, an output could be the number of individuals who showed up to community meetings where the red light cameras will be set up. A short term outcome would be a reduction in severe accidents while a long term outcome is that drivers generally drive more safe as well as the positive impact it has on public health (e.g., fewer accidents results in fewer injuries) and economic benefits. Using another example though not CJ related, let’s say we’re evaluating a public health program to support families that suffer from poor nutrition-related health problems. In this program, outputs would include # of individuals that attend workshops, # of individuals receiving services, and # of individuals receiving referrals. A short-term outcome is the changes in knowledge, skills, and/or attitudes whereas a long-term outcome is changes in behavior and action, resulting in improvements in their condition and status in life.