Present and explain an outline Business Model Canvas (with extensions and detailing as per the taught syllabus) 1 slide.

This compulsory assessment is essential preparation and foundation using the feedback for the Part B assessment.
The first step is to have your tutor approve by email your business idea. This must be done before Reading Week (Week 5).
Opportunities used in previous modules are not acceptable, opportunities that are copies or close variants of existing opportunities are also not allowed. They must be of a scale to attract outside financing.
Students can create new value by a) discovering unmet needs and/or b) applying new techniques to solve existing needs e.g. i) Block-chain, ii) Artificial intelligence iii) Carbon neutral iv) Circular economy (no or very low environmental impact) v) Social inclusion and equality.
Format: PowerPoint slides must be converted to a PDF file (to reduce file size) submitted to Turnitin.
Word Limit: Eight (8) slides. It is a visual presentation use diagrams, tables, etc not words. PowerPoint slides full of text will received a low mark and will have to be re-submitted, annotated detailed notes must be provided at the bottom of each slide. Clear presentation of content on the slides helps the understanding of your ideas.
Students must regard the reader for Parts A and B as potential investors/financiers. e.g. for Part A angel investors and banks screening new lean start-ups before allowing a detailed Part B to be prepared
For Part A students must:
1. Full name and student id plus a photo (all must be present). Name of Product/ Service with a (one) diagram to describe it. 1 slide. Date of approval by tutor by email.
2. Explain why this is an investable profitable and ‘lean’ entrepreneurial opportunity. 1 slide
3. A photo or other representation of your creativity work e.g. sticky note rough work see Osterwalder Pigneur, et al. (2014) page 44. 1 slide.
4. Present and explain a detailed Value Proposition Canvas (with extensions and detailing as per the taught syllabus) 2 slides e.g. a) Customer Profile b) Value Map. Note Begin with Customer Jobs (the part of their life where you create value).
5. Present and explain an outline Business Model Canvas (with extensions and detailing as per the taught syllabus) 1 slide.
6. The follow-up lean ‘hypotheses’ (see Ries Chapter 4 alchemy to science) and Business Research and Data Gathering Plan 1 slide.
7. Principal Harvard style references listing a) scholarly works and b) secondary data sources. 1 slide. Note simple cut and pasted web references URLs (uniform resource locator) are unacceptable