Discuss how two of the films compare in their treatment of one of the following typical “thematics” favored by Hitchcock: -Marriage -The Criminal Female -Desire

Discuss how two of the films compare in their treatment of one of the following typical “thematics” favored by Hitchcock:
-The Criminal Female
Please organize your paper as an argument. Be sure to refer to formal strategies used by Hitchcock to cultivate the spectator’s sympathy or sense of identification with the characters as you considering such factors as power dynamics, representations of guilt or innocence, fantasy, the degree to which they are shown to be “objectified” by one another (or the film) or are given agency and voice. Your paper should include no less than 3 concrete examples from the films to to illustrate and amplify your points.
It is NOT NECESSARY to cite any outside reading. We are most interested in your own observations of the films.