Discuss how this relates to Piaget’s concepts. State in your discussion whether it isassimiliation, accomodation etc.Remember how, until you first had the experience, you really had no understanding of what itwould really be like.

Forum Ch 3 & 4In addition to your own answer, you should respond to the posts of two peers each week.To be substantive, your reply should add more information to the discussion, bring ahelpful resource to the discussion forum, or question the response on the merit of your ownresearch.Pages 93-97 Review Piaget’s concept of scheme, assimilation and accommodation —a cognitivestructure that helps individuals organize and understand their experiences. Schemes play a majorrole in infant development when infants are experiencing everything for the first time and theworld is a huge, unfamiliar place. However, even as adults, we adapt to new experiences throughthe use of what Piaget conceptualized as schemes. 1. Write about something you did for the first time as an adolescent or adult.2. Discuss how this relates to Piaget’s concepts. State in your discussion whether it is assimiliation, accomodation etc.Remember how, until you first had the experience, you really had no understanding of what itwould really be like. When you first encountered the new “thing,” you were encoding all of thenew information about it. That initial “scheme” then guided you to build expectations and toprepare for and understand the experience better the next time you had it. Certainly, your initialscheme was altered somewhat by the second experience, and all subsequent experiences bothevolved out of, and contributed to, your mental scheme for this particular event. Good examplesare flying on an airplane, roller blading (as related to ice skating), eating at a very ethnicrestaurant (Japanese and sitting on the floor; Moroccan and eating with your fingers), or bungeejumping.