How are cultural competence and diversity similar? How are they different? If you were in charge of a global business what model would you employ any why?

Question 1. Explain debits and credits. List at least three accounts that increase with debits and at least three accounts that increase with credits. Question 2. Companies must prepare financial statements. What are the required financial statements? Select one of the financial statements. What is reported on it? Why is it useful? Question 3. (100 words)Read the following information about the water crisis in Flint Michigan:Who were the key stakeholders who played a role in this tragedy? What ethical breaches were evident? What is the relationship between sustainable practices, environmental protection, and social responsibility?Question 4. (100 words) Review the following link on cultural competence. How are cultural competence and diversity similar? How are they different? If you were in charge of a global business what model would you employ any why?