Why is the topic you selected important for young children, families, professionals, and/or the field of early childhood education?

Professional Organizations and Advocacy
To prepare:
Consider your passions in the field of early childhood education, and think about an area of the field where you would like to direct your advocacy efforts. To support you in determining an area of advocacy you would like to pursue, review the websites of the professional organizations listed in the Learning Resources.
As you review the websites, consider what you would like to know more about, how you would like to support others, and which topics presented seem to fit best with your current passions and professional interests. You may select topics and websites other than those presented. The professional organization websites in the Learning Resources are designed to serve as a guide.
Select three organizational websites and three resources from one or more of the websites you chose that complement your selected advocacy topic. These resources may include such items as positions statements, articles, videos, etc., providing research, information, and insights that relate to your topic. Your goal in selecting these resources is to provide an overview of your topic, familiarize yourself with advocacy work that has been conducted on the topic, and analyze how the information presented can assist you in working toward your advocacy goals.
To complete this Assignment:
Provide a brief overview of the advocacy topic you selected and a rationale for your selection. As you develop your overview, consider the following:
Why is the topic you selected important for young children, families, professionals, and/or the field of early childhood education?
What draws you to the advocacy topic you have selected?
Based on the organizational websites you selected (3 total), provide a summary that includes the following:
A general overview of how the work of the organization complements your advocacy goal
Opportunities for engagement/collaboration with the organization around your selected advocacy topic
How becoming involved with the organization might assist you in achieving your advocacy goals
For each of the resources you selected from one or more of the organizational websites (3 total), provide a summary that includes the following:
A general overview of information from the resource that relates to your advocacy topic
Three to five main points that you feel would support your advocacy goals
A citation