etermine if the charges are justified according to the statutes, and if so, defend them based on the facts as we know them. If not justified, argue such and investigate what charges would be appropriate.

You are to research at least three different sources (documenting each according to APA or similar standards) regarding the arrest and death of Mr. George Floyd of Minneapolis, Minnesota, on May 25, 2020. You must articulate the crime scene as you see it (use the videos) and what you observe each of the officers and Mr. Floyd are doing. Following his death, review what each of the charges were for each officer, and compare them to the statute requirements (MN Statutes Sec. 609.185, 609.19, and 609.195). Determine if the charges are justified according to the statutes, and if so, defend them based on the facts as we know them. If not justified, argue such and investigate what charges would be appropriate.

This investigation on your part must be in-depth. It is to be submitted on Canvas before the due date and time. It must be single spaced using a Verdana or a similar font, no larger than 10. Do not use margins and headings more than one inch. You will need a separate Reference page. I will use the Critical Thinking and Writing Rubrics as a guide to your grade. As a result, I strongly suggest that you have your paper reviewed by someone who has strong writing skills before submitting it to me. An in-depth paper is at least five to ten pages. Do not plagiarize, if you do you will receive an “F.” Use quotes as you will, but give the authors credit according to APA or similar standards.