Discuss,Once a conflict arises, there are steps you can take to ensure a communication climate that is conducive to a satisfying outcome. Do you think this is really possible? Why/Why not? How would you go about doing this?

After reading the material and viewing the videos on communication climate and conflict, then taking notes, consider the following questions. Then write your response:
1. Once a conflict arises, there are steps you can take to ensure a communication climate that is conducive to a satisfying outcome. Do you think this is really possible? Why/Why not? How would you go about doing this?
2. Outline the steps you would take to ensure a mutually satisfying outcome in a heated conflict. Explain why you chose these steps.
Use at least five (5) terms or concepts from the chapter (Wood, 2020) and make them bold in your response. Cite the sources that you use to back-up the thesis of your paper in APA style (in-text citations and References page required).

This will require that you develop a clear thesis statement, and support it with research and organized thoughts. Cite the sources that you use to back-up the thesis of your paper in APA style. This includes in-text citations and a Reference list.

Acceptable Length:

This essay should be at least 300-350 words and be made up of clear introduction, body, and conclusion paragraphs.

Formatting Requirements:

Put your name, course and section number, and assignment title on the cover page. Your response begins on page 2.
Use one-inch margins.
Use a 12-point Times New Roman font.
Use double line spacing in the document.
Use APA Citation Style: https://tinyurl.com/35h5y7 (opens in a new window) for in-text citations and a References page.