What is the average salary? What is the approximate average starting salary? Compare the salary in a couple of different cities. Include information on the cost of living. You can visit Sperling’s Best Places/bestplaces.net to do a quick cost of living comparison for your two cities.

Labor Market Research Project: The Labor Market is the market in which workers compete for jobs and employers compete for workers. Understanding the factors that affect the labor market of careers is an important factor in determining your stability and opportunity for growth in career fields. The purpose of this assignment is to research and compare the labor markets of 2 careers that you are interested in.

Part 1: Utilize career information resources to research two different occupations. You can use linked on the previous page and the resources included in the Focus2 platform. Feel free to use other sources, but make sure to site all sources.

At minimum, the following information should be included, but feel free to research other areas of interest as well:

What are the qualifications of individuals in this field (include Education, Licensing/Certification, Experience, etc.)?

What is the average salary? What is the approximate average starting salary? Compare the salary in a couple of different cities. Include information on the cost of living. You can visit Sperling’s Best Places/bestplaces.net to do a quick cost of living comparison for your two cities.

What is the projected growth of this career?

Part 2: Write a 1-2 page paper summarizing your conclusions. Include a references page. Describe your reactions to the information you found (surprises, concerns, challenges, etc.) How do you see your career evolving over time? Do you think this is a good career choice for you? How has going through this exercise clarified, confused, or changed your concept of a career and what kind of career will best work for you?