What choices were/are available and what were/are the costs or trade-offs

Write 2 – 4 paragraphs about the relevance to the industry of fraud. This is where you analyze the article. Consider the following:
An identification of the key issues posed by the article or case
A list of applicable stakeholders and their rights and obligations
What choices were/are available and what were/are the costs or trade-offs
Comment on how the situation was or should be resolved
Who (individual or group) was/will be impacted by this decision?
Questions you believe readers should consider about the case that will add substance to learning.
You should also tie the fraud into concepts we have covered so far in class and discuss possible means of fraud deterrence.
Write a paragraph to express your opinion about the issue. Be sure to back up your opinion. Remember, this is your opinion about the issue, not about how the article is written.
Make sure to include the address of the website, where you found the article. If a password is needed for the site, you are expected to supply it.
If you want to, you may use two articles on the same subject (not required); however, I reserve the right to reduce your grade if you use over two articles (remember I have to read all of the articles).
About Skimming:
“Skimming” refers to the process of extracting cash from incoming receipts to an enterprise.  Reports submitted which focus on a case involving extraction of credit card information from an ATM or sales station at a retail establishment will not be looked on favorably. That type scheme is often referred to in the media as skimming, but not the type of cash skimming we are discussing during this course. The credit card cases referred to are typically closer to identity theft, rather than a form of cash larceny discussed during our course.