Evaluate the principles and procedures involved in equine nursing

Assignment brief “A 15yr old gelding has been admitted to the hospital displaying the following symptoms of colic; pain, excessive sweating, absence of gut sounds and passing of faeces. An exploratory laparotomy was performed which revealed a large intestine impaction. A section of large intestine has been resected and an anastomosis performed. The patient is now recovering in ICU.
Appraise the significance of equine anatomy in relation to the possible causes and symptoms of colic. Consider their significance in the domesticated equine.
Appraise the nursing care that this patient will require whilst hospitalised.
Evaluate the available nursing models that could be used for this patient. Formulate a nursing care plan for this patient and justify the choice of nursing model. A fully completed nursing care plan must be inserted as an appendix, this will be assessed as part of the assignment.
Evaluate the benefits of implementing care plans when nursing hospitalised patients.”

Learning outcomes:
1. Critically evaluate the role of the equine nurse
2. Appraise the significance of the equine in relation to associated pathological conditions and their management
3. Evaluate the principles and procedures involved in equine nursing
4. Formulate and evaluate a nursing care plan based on existing knowledge applied to equine management