Identify a current topic (current events, issues, pop culture phenomena etc. that have been in the news within the past four weeks) that interests you so much that you want to research it further. Choose a topic that hasn’t been discussed by anyone else in the forum so far.

1) Identify a current topic (current events, issues, pop culture phenomena etc. that have been in the news within the past four weeks) that interests you so much that you want to research it further. Choose a topic that hasn’t been discussed by anyone else in the forum so far. Try to choose a topic outside of your regular sphere of knowledge or your normal comfort zone. Choose very specific topics, e.g., you wouldn’t pick something general like “euthanasia,” you would choose “the debate over conscience rights for medical professionals related to the private member’s bill introduced in the Alberta legislature Nov. 7, 2019”

Complete some research and find THREE opinion articles on the topic. Pick articles that are substantial and interesting, not short and skimpy. Write a two or three paragraph description of what is happening with the issue or event (using APA citations and references according to APA 7th edition guidelines as needed) and why you find it interesting, followed by an annotated bibliography that includes the three opinion articles.

The format for an annotated bibliography presents the APA-style reference for the article FIRST, followed by a short paragraph or two that summarize the main points in the article. In this case, I would also like you to include an analysis or evaluation of HOW the article is written, examining evidence of bias, word choice, tone and style, reading/vocabulary level, intended audience, and any other elements that jump out at you while you are reading.

You may wish to use an essay-like structure (introduction, body paragraphs, conclusion). If appropriate, you may present your findings using headings and subheadings, bullet points, or a numbered list. Make sure that your paragraphs are short and well organized: you should only tackle one topic per paragraph, and you will want to divide up any long paragraphs into shorter paragraphs of approximately 3-5 sentences.