Discuss,Using information from chapter 10 in your textbook that highlight the American ideology and socialization process concerning work and the economy, and also information from the Fortune article, answer the following question: In what ways have American ideology and the American way of life (values, beliefs, etc.) contribute to the problems some Americans are facing at work and with the economy?

(*Both Part 1 & Part 2 combined must add up to 250 words*)

Using information from chapter 10 in your textbook that highlight the American ideology and socialization process concerning work and the economy, and also information from the Fortune article, answer the following question: In what ways have American ideology and the American way of life (values, beliefs, etc.) contribute to the problems some Americans are facing at work and with the economy? Be sure to use information from BOTH the text and the research article in your response.


After watching the two brief videos and reading chapter 11 from your textbook, answer the following questions: In what ways has the atmosphere in Americans schools changed the outlook and mindset that some people have towards education?
Do you feel that your high school properly prepared you for college? If so, how? If not, why?
If you were in charge of education in the United States, what would you do to fix the problems that plague the education system in the U.S.?
Be sure to use information from BOTH the text and the research article in your response.

*part 1 & part 2 combined only need to be 250 words*

Using information from chapter 8 in your textbook that highlight the perspectives that both White and Minorities have and the information from the U.S. News Article, “America Has a Big Race Problem,” answer the following question: In what ways do the views and mindsets that white and minorities have about each other contribute to the race problem in America? Be sure to use information from BOTH the textbook and the research article in your response.


After watching the video, answer the following questions: What were your biggest takeaways from the video, and how did it relate to what you read in your book? List 5 identifiers or descriptors that you feel are important in defining you. This can include anything: Asian American, male, mother, athlete, educator, atheist, or any descriptor with which you identify. The only requirement is that one of them must be your race, ethnicity or gender. Then write the following: Please be brief and concise.

1. Share a time you were especially proud to identify yourself with one of the descriptors you used above.

2. Share a time it was especially painful to be identified with one of your identifiers or descriptors.

3. Name a stereotype associated with one of the groups with which you identify that is not consistent with who you are and fill in the following sentence:
I am (a/an) _____________________ but I am NOT (a/an)_____________________.

I am a LATINO, but I am NOT an abuser of women.