Examine the roles of the Registered Nurse within professional, legal, and ethical frameworks as they relate to the profession of nursing.

NUR1202 Assessment 2: Short AnswerTask overviewCourseNUR1202 Professional IdentityAssessment nameAssessment2Brief task descriptionUsing the YouTube video “Do politicians need cultural safety training?”Dr Leonie Cox, from QUTas a context, provide a response to the questions in the Task Detailsection below. Rationale for assessment taskAnswer the following questions about Cultural Safety,Cultural Awareness –white privilege , social and structural racismDue DateLength1000words +/-10% (word length includes in-text referencing and excludes your reference list) Marks out of:Weighting:50Marks; 35%CourseObjectivesAndGraduate AttributesCourse Objectives being assessed3.Examine the professional role of the Registered Nurse in organisational structures, climate and culture.4.Examine the roles of the Registered Nurse within professional, legal, and ethical frameworks as they relate to the profession of nursing.5.Describe opportunities todevelop clinical leadership attributes and conflict resolution strategies within the role of the Registered Nurse.Graduate AttributesEffective communicators and collaborators who actively and respectfully lead, listen, reflect, discuss and negotiate inorder to work productively with a range of individuals and groups, including professional teams;Ethical, engaged professionals and citizens who engage in, non-discriminatory, safe practices and consider the local, global, social, economic, legal and environmental influences on, and impact of, their attitudes and actions;Culturally capable individuals who are self-aware and sensitive to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledges and perspectives, equitable and respectful of diversity and multiculturalism, and can apply these capabilities in their professional practice.
Task informationTask detailAccess the recordingDo politicians need cultural safety training? Dr Leonie Cox, from QUT (11 mins 31 seconds)Provide a response to ALL FOUR questions usingacademic writing (in paragraphswith a heading for each question).1.What is Cultural Safety?2.What is interpersonalpowerand how does this impact on health? (250 words)3.How does a lack of equity insocial systems such as housing,employment and other social determinants impact on health?(250 words)4.Discuss why culture has no biological basis(250 word