What is the image? For example in the website pictures , in each image what does every item represent? Describe in depth what each image may allude to.

You could work on the existing draft or start anew:
Whichever way you choose could you please

Restructure the draft so that

1)Hiring ad. Analysis comes first and then the

2)Language institution ads

3)Book ads

In the existing draft I did not employ Norman fairclough’s systematic CDA analysis but the current draft must use his systematic approach. through “Semiosis” you must help make meaning through language, visual, body language and other ways of signifying.

And then the following 5000 words I would like your help with a real in depth analysis of each image.
For each image you should do a :
a)Micro level analysis
b)Meso level analysis
c)Macro level analysis

– First level- micro level.. what is the image? For example in the website pictures , in each image what does every item represent? Describe in depth what each image may allude to.
– Meso level- connect to other texts in the Korean text.(policies, policy tag lines, or Ads promoting english) Middle level. (You will have to do literature search for this. On google, if you type in words “ the meaning of speaking English in korea” etc you will find some sources. Here are two sources to help you:
– Macro level- what is the social problem?move macro level analysis social macro impact of text.. bigger issue.. ideology … the bigger problem..back to the critical issue… cultural impact.. on how decisions being made.. how a university a dean hires native and non- native?What are the beyond text.. social ideology…. english important for korea for future…. pushing whiteness..etc
(i couldn’t include all notes so will attach the document)