Discuss,Recall commercials that you have seen using scare tactics. How did these commercials affect you? Why do you think gain-framed messages are more effective? You may want to draw parallels to findings that positive reinforcement is more effective than punishment for changing most behaviors.

There is 2 assignment: 1 discussion paper and 1 Reflection Paper
Write one page for the discussion
First Discussion: Studies show that advertising campaigns using scare tactics are much less effective for initiating health behavior change than those using “gain framed messages”. For example, warning teenagers about the dangers of skin cancer from sunbathing or tanning beds is less effective than emphasizing the benefits of wrinkle-free skin and maintaining one’s youthful appearance. Recall commercials that you have seen using scare tactics. How did these commercials affect you? Why do you think gain-framed messages are more effective? You may want to draw parallels to findings that positive reinforcement is more effective than punishment for changing most behaviors. Here is a link to some of the most popular anti-smoking commercials for review:
Second Weekly Reflection Paper: Read both of the powerpoint and write a one-page double spaced reflection paper based upon weekly reading assignments and discussions