Describe the rationale for your project, why you wish to carry out this research and the benefits that will accrue from its successful conclusion.

The Research Design Proposal report must include a background which describes the basic situation underlying your project. It must include a statement of the problem or opportunity that is the aim of your project. It must describe the rationale for your project, why you wish to carry out this research and the benefits that will accrue from its successful conclusion.
You must create research objectives that, when successfully completed, will have the information that enables you to solve the problem or capitalise on the opportunity that is the aim of your research.
You must evaluate and fully describe the research methods that will be necessary to successfully complete the research.
Data collection methods must be selected and described which are consistent with the research philosophy necessary for its completion: these can include secondary and/or primary data sources. The methods by which the data you collect will be analysed and need to be justified.
Finally, ethical, validity and reliability issues relevant to the research must be discussed and a time plan for its completion must be calculated and displayed as a Gantt chart.
The Literature Review report must evaluate the context for your research, and sources academic research and models that are relevant to the project. It should include a critical evaluation of relevant theoretical and practical references and include breadth of understanding and depth of critical evaluation. Reviews will require analysis and evaluation of evidence and sources and be informed by theory and appropriate practice. Finally, it will include a summary of the findings from the literature and how these affect your research objectives and research questions.