Analyze the business model, particularly the advertising. Do the ads make sense? How are they targeting (if at all)? Contact their advertising people and ask them about the opportunities for advertising, the prices, the ability to target and use of analytics.

Research the history of the newspaper, changes in ownership, layoffs, mergers, circulation history, etc., but your main focus should be on how they’ve done their digital paywalls.
2. Analyze the business model, particularly the advertising. Do the ads make sense? How are they targeting (if at all)? Contact their advertising people and ask them about the opportunities for advertising, the prices, the ability to target and use of analytics.
two to three Pages pages double spaced. You must cite stuff. I’ll settle for author, title, year and web url. If an article is unattributed, just post the web url. You don’t have to follow APA or Chicago style. A functional bibliography is good enough. If you call and talk to people, note the date and the name of the person you talked to in your citation. You can use Wiki to start the process (find the true source), but you can’t cite Wiki except for basic stuff like circulation numbers and ownership changes