How has the audience behaviour changed because of the technologies evolution today? Whether that is positive or negative.

The report needs to be broken down into two parts – the evolution of the technology and then the impact on the target audiences behaviour because of the evolution/feature update etc.
Secondary research is needed to support evolution
Key information required
Evolution of technology
Main updates, releases, evolution points 5 to 8 years max.
Example: Social Media communication – Facebook releases Facebook Messenger, Buys Instagram
Example SEO: 2016 Google possum is rolled out and changed the way searching listing appears in SERP
Must also include technology adoption/usage rates/increase in use in Perth, Australia or at minimum Australia, over the 5-8 years. A graphic would also be great
Impact on the target audience
How has the audience behaviour changed because of the technologies evolution today? Whether that is positive or negative.
How have the features and limitations impacted in relation to the target audience.
Behaviours example – Social media communication, 25-34 are no longer communicating with business in person, but messaging through social media apps.
Try and relate behaviours back to the industry but not all behaviours relate back. Main behaviour changes.
Example SEO – More and more people are searching online before they make a purchasing decision; they are more informed because of search, search is becoming easier with more relevant information appearing.
Example online reviews – A person can have 1 bad experience and they will post a negative review straight away