What do you know about this topic from courses you have taken and/or academic literature? Please list an initial literature review of several academic journals and/or books that you have looked at. These sources may change as you continue with your project but at this stage you should have completed some reading.

Topic Statement: Students must submit a 2-4 page essay that identifies the topic of their project and the primary aims of this. In creating your topic statement, consider the following:*******************************************************************************(EXAMPLE I CREATED YOU CAN ADD OR USE SOME OR NOT USE AT ALL )************************************************************

” The United States use of incarceration is an “infinite cycle” for juveniles and adults. Many researchers have suggested that the United States has purposely made an incarceration system that makes it impossible for juvenile and adult offenders to fully rehabilitate but, studies suggest this is the way incarceration wants to work. ”

1.) 300 word essay that identifies the topic of the project topic and the primary aims of this. In creating your topic statement, consider the following:
2.) Briefly discuss the topic you are researching. Consider: What is your topic? What is interesting about your topic? Why are you drawn to studying your topic? Why would someone else be interested in your topic?

3.) What do you know about this topic from courses you have taken and/or academic literature? Please list an initial literature review of several academic journals and/or books that you have looked at. These sources may change as you continue with your project but at this stage you should have completed some reading.

4.) 25 Bibliography Sources: 10 Primary sources and 15 Secondary sources Chicago Manual Style ______________________
I listed many sources to help you with the biliograpghy and it’ll help write this topic essay.