Explain why the older, original planning and goal setting process will no longer work for H2o Solutions.

VPDepartmentManagersEmployeesR. JohnsonEngineering220E. SmithMarketing212K. RedstoneSales217G. GladesR & D223P. IndiraService225R. ZanderHR214As the company has grown, the centralized and top-down planning model originally used the by leadership team is now ineffective. The very employees H2o Solutions has hired now need to be integrated into the planning and goal-setting process. The question is, how?As the management consultant, you need to design a planning and goal setting process that uses a flatter, more organic approach. Instead of goals flowing from the top down H2o Solutions is looking for a collaborative process that involves all employees across the organization. The executive management team believes that a planning and goal setting process that is inclusive and which leverages the deep talent of employees in the organization is the most agile way to engage in planning and goal setting. However, the H2o Solutions executive management team understands that it must also be involved in the process and put its final stamp of approval on the planning and goals to ensure that both support and align with the strategic goals of H2o Solutions.Questions:1.Explain why the older, original planning and goal setting process will no longer work for H2o Solutions.2.Explain the planning and goal setting approach you will recommend to the executive management team.a.Provide the rationale that supports your approach3.Explain how this approach will be a good fit for H2o Solutions and their priorities for a more organic, inclusive, and responsive approach to planning and goal setting.4.Explain how your approach will be more nimble, agile, and responsive to market trends.5.Provide benchmarks to H2o Solutions that will serve as indicators that your new approach is working.
6.What points of resistance might the executive management team of H2o Solutionsexpect when the new planning and goal-setting strategy is implemented