Discuss,Were there any patterns or surprises? Elaborate on what took up your time and why. Indicate whether you had interferences or distractions. Be prepared to compare your media- use patterns with those of others in the class.

Just make it look like a log that a typical American college student would have!!

Keep a media log* for a 24- hour period between today and the next class. Make a chart showing how you got information, how you communicated information, and which media you used. Indicate how long you viewed or read, a summary of messages, and what else you were doing while using each medium.

Next, write a one-page reflection based upon your findings: Were there any patterns or surprises? Elaborate on what took up your time and why. Indicate whether you had interferences or distractions. Be prepared to compare your media- use patterns with those of others in the class.

*Of course, for our purposes, pay special attention to the social media that you use and access during the 24-hour period as you note all media use.