How do you view the concept of use of self in the context of program and policy planning and evaluation? Has this perspective changed since the beginning of this course? How and why?

Assignment Description
This assignment will ask you to consider your work in this course from a professional development perspective. What have you learned or what skill has been strengthened by engaging in the courseroom discussions and addressing the assignments? Within the context of program and policy planning and evaluation, how do you view the concept of use of self? Is this the same or different perspective than the one you had at the beginning of this course? Finally, how will you practice personal reflection and self-correction to assure continual professional development in the realm of program and policy planning and evaluation?

Assignment Instructions
For this assignment, answer the following:

How do you view the concept of use of self in the context of program and policy planning and evaluation? Has this perspective changed since the beginning of this course? How and why?
How would you advocate for human rights and social and economic justice?
What will you do to assure your own professional development in the realm of program and policy planning and development?