What are two social equity issues discussed in the Levittown documentary?

The assignment is to watch the full-length documentary (approximately 60 min) and prepare a written assignment following the prompts below.
Length: 250-500 words

1. Provide an overview of the documentary.
2. What are two social equity issues discussed in the Levittown documentary? You can reference the article, Social Equity: Its Legacy, Its Promise, for guidance. Specifically, the intersection of disadvantage (race, gender, class, etc.) (see page 59); What policy area is Levittown grappling with? (perhaps use the Policy Planning Report as a guide for policy idea).
3. Identify three characters profiled (by name or timestamp) in the documentary and outline their perspective on the issue you identified above. Were they against, indifferent or in favor of the proposed actions in their neighborhood and why?
4. Do you believe the opinions/beliefs expressed by Levittown residents still permeate American society today? If yes, where/when is this most visible? If no, how have sentiments changed?