Conduct a library search for a peer-reviewed article addressing evidence-based nursing or healthcare practices related to the topic.

1. Go to the Healthy People 2020 website and identify one health issue of interest related to community health (i.e. an issue that affects a population)
2. Conduct a library search for a peer-reviewed article addressing evidence-based nursing or healthcare practices related to the topic.
3. Write a brief summary  (1-2 paragraphs) of why you selected this topic, what aspects the research addressed and why you chose this article.
4. Submit your summary along with a copy of the peer-reviewed articles.
Part B: Immunizations
1. Conduct a library search for 1 peer-reviewed article addressing evidence-based nursing or healthcare practices related to immunizations.
2. Write a brief summary  (1-2 paragraphs) of which immunization issue the research addressed and why you chose this article.
3. Submit your brief summary and a copy of the peer-reviewed article.
Part C: Vulnerable Populations
1. Refer to Stanhope and Lancaster Part VI Vulnerability: Predisposing Factors and select a vulnerable population.
2. Conduct a library search for 1 peer-reviewed article addressing evidence-based nursing or healthcare practices related to the vulnerable populations.
3. Write a brief summary (1-2 paragraphs)  of why you selected this vulnerable population, what the research addressed and why you selected this article.
4. Submit your brief summary and a copy of the peer-reviewed articles.
Submit your assignment as a whole including a correctly formatted APA cover page and reference page. Use the attached rubric below to guide your outline. Use first Level headings labeled Part A, B, or C to distinguish each requirement. Upload your chosen peer review articles as separate attachments within the dropbox.