Discuss in detail (providing examples) the differences and similarities between the traditional (Becarria/Bentham deterrence) and modern classical theories (Rational Choice/Routine Activities) used to explain criminal and deviant behavior. Be sure to include a discussion of Beccaria and Bentham’s influences. According to the contemporary research, does deterrence work (why or why not)? (Explain your answer completely)

Discuss in detail (providing examples) the differences and similarities between the traditional (Becarria/Bentham deterrence) and modern classical theories (Rational Choice/Routine Activities) used to explain criminal and deviant behavior. Be sure to include a discussion of Beccaria and Bentham’s influences. According to the contemporary research, does deterrence work (why or why not)? (Explain your answer completely) (30 points)

2. Read the following quote by Garbarino in Listening to Killers on p. 20 (paragraph 6). How might this quote support or refute the argument for deterrence or rational choice in the modern day criminal justice system? You may use the rest of the chapter and additional readings to support your answer. (20 points)

“All choices are made in a particular context, a particular place and time. Who you are and where and when you live plays a role in shaping the range of choices open to you and, thus, the choices you make. Both internal issues (such as knowledge of options, understanding social realities, internalized cultural values, unconscious forces, and brain functions) and external issues (such as the rewards and punishments meted out by the social environment) can affect an individual’s perception of the available choices and the consequences of one choice versus another (Garbarino, 2015, p. 20).”