How would HRM differ in GoJet beyond issues of pay, what problems might you foresee and what plans would you suggest to support this new ‘product’?

Assignment tasks

Assess Air National’s current strategy in relation to its external and competitive environment and how HRM in the organization supports this.

How would HRM differ in GoJet beyond issues of pay, what problems might you foresee and what plans would you suggest to support this new ‘product’?


The analysis of the environmental and competitive context of the organisation is apposite, drawing on appropriate analytic methods and contemporary data;

The internal context of the organisation is examined critically from a strategic HRM perspective using appropriate theory and models;

Conclusions drawn from analysis are realistic in terms of the context and argued in the light of the theoretical perspectives used;

Significant and appropriate use of referencing is used throughout to substantiate statements and arguments, using Harvard format.

The word count is 2500.