Discuss,What can we reasonably expect in terms of the control and prevention of cybercrime?

The underlying theme from this course is a deceivingly simple question: What can we reasonably expect in terms of the control and prevention of cybercrime?

For your policy paper you will answer this question by developing a comprehensive crime plan that addresses one specific modality of cybercrime. Factors to consider in your paper should center around the topics of this class. First, you should discuss the societal impacts of cybercrime. Next, you should discuss the United State and international law that seeks to control this particular type of cybercrime. Finally, you should discuss the investigation of cybercrime as well of the efficacy of prevention efforts by police, government, and/or private entities.

1. Your paper should be typed, double-spaced, in 12-point Times New Roman font. Do not add extra spaces between paragraphs. Make sure to check the spacing defaults in Word and adjust all “spaces after” to zero.
2. Do not include a title page. Simply put your name in the upper margin of the Word document. No other header is necessary.
3. Utilize one-inch margins all around the page.
4. Your paper should be organized. It should follow this format: Introduction, Body, and Conclusion.
5. Do not use bullets, outlines, or lists.
6. Do not include pictures, graphs, tables, or any other images.
7. Do not use pronouns such as you or I.
8. Include page numbers in the lower right-hand corner of the page.
9. You must include a reference page. Please use appropriate in-text citations. The reference page does not count toward your page total.
10. Do not include direct quotes or the title of the article. Furthermore, do not use direct quotes from the articles you select.
11. Length of paper: This assignment should be 6-8 pages long. Anything short of that will result in a significant loss of points.
12. References: You will need to locate, identify, and discuss at least seven different peer-reviewed, empirical journal articles. You may also cite the textbook and the lectures, but should not rely heavily on them. You should not be referencing websites, Webster’s Dictionary, news articles, TV shows, or personal experiences.

This paper is:
1. A professional endeavor that should be well written and organized in essay fashion.
2. A synthesis of the information about the research topic.

This paper is not:
1. Your opinions about the criminal justice system or the topic you have chosen.
2. Written on any given criminal justice or cybercrime topic; that is, it must pertain to your chosen topic.