Discuss,how tracking apps developers companies are going to influence the Intelligence services and the consumer market in Europe.

This 1 pager/abstract is a proposal for a larger research project. It must offer a captivating idea of ​​the main topics that will be developed if the work is accepted. The work should argument around Data Sharing and Transparency: how tracking apps developers companies are going to influence the Intelligence services and the consumer market in Europe.
So far, these are the topics that I thought about:
– Introduction around the interplay between consumer law and other sectors (e.g. data protection);
– EU Institutions to combat misleading claims and excessive pricing;
– Legal obligations for software developers (Profiling, web beacon and other secret tracking practices analyzed in light of the GDPR and ePrivacy Directive);
– The consumers’ perception in Online behavioral advertising (OBA);
– Enforcement (remedies, liabilities, and penalties);
– Conclusions.