Identify who are the main stakeholders and change agents you need to work with to successfully affect the change initiatives you are planning and strategizing?

You have just being promoted to head a new division or department of your organisation wherein the performance over the past 3 years based on the Balance Scorecard metrics had been less than average compared to other department or division in your organisation. The top management had directed you to spearhead and bring about the desired changes to improve the department’s overall performance based on measurement using the Balance Scorecard. Changes in various areas will need to be identified and managing and leading a successful change management is critical. 1. Detail the types of changes required for your department or division after having undertaken a problem identification. 2. Identify who are the main stakeholders and change agents you need to work with to successfully affect the change initiatives you are planning and strategizing? 3. What change model or models will you find appropriate to be used in your change initiatives? 4. What strategies will you use to overcome resistance to change that you are planning to introduce? You should use the web, media, books and journals, library and other resources to write the assignment in a Management Report format. Where applicable and relevant, you are also encouraged to conduct fieldwork and interviews of the organization or individuals to collect relevant informationfor your report.