What limitations do you see to the communication triangle as you apply it to your selected document?

Step 1: Find a technical or professional source to analyze.
* Using the internet or hard copy documents to which you have access, find a technical or professional document to analyze for this assignment.
* Consider using instructions, business letters, brochures, “junk mail” flyers, a bill. Any of these will work.
Step 2: Analyze the document
* Who is the writer?
* Who is the intended audience?
* What are the purposes of the document?
* What form does the document take?
* Are there ethical considerations to think about with your document? (ch2)
* How does Kinneavy’s communication triangle apply to your sample document? (ch1)
* What limitations do you see to the communication triangle as you apply it to your selected document?
* How is the document successful in conveying its “reality” to the reader?
* Choose a new audience for your document. With that new audience in mind, what would need to change in the document for it to continue to be usable?
Step 3: Write your analysis
* In a word processing file, answer the questions above in paragraph form.
* Do not merely number the questions and follow each with an answer.
* Explain the document, where it came from, and your answers to the questions.
* There is no particular format to follow such as font size, spacing, etc., but make sure you include your name on the document.
Step 4: Review/Edit your analysis
* Look for spelling and grammar errors.
* Look for awkwardly structured or poorly worded sentences. Ask yourself, do you words actually say what you mean them to say?
* Consider reviewing the page Writing Resources & Support which includes strategies for editing and proofreading your work.
* Consider reviewing the rubric.
Step 5: Submit the file
* Submit your file as an attachment in .rtf, pdf, .doc, or .docx format by the deadline. Late projects will receive a 20% deduction in points.