What rules from the Federal Rules of Evidence will apply in this case? Rely on the entire Fact Pattern and any new facts introduced in directions here.

Write a short essay answering the questions below indicating what rules of the Federal Rules of Evidence apply in each fraud case. Your paper should be 2-3 pages in length. Include a separate reference page.

For Fact Pattern A:
The prosecution calls John’s ex-wife to discuss her knowledge of John’s finances. The prosecution also raises questions about John’s finances while the two were married.
The prosecution calls the ex-wife’s attorney and asks him why he decided to report John to State Agency. Attorney testifies he heard “through the grapevine” that John had been claiming he had the kids full-time.
Rely on the entire Fact Pattern and any new facts introduced in directions here. What rules from the Federal Rules of Evidence will apply in this case?
For Fact Pattern B:
At trial, the prosecution calls Mary’s husband to ask him what Mary tells him about her work duties. The defense objects to the question.
What rules from the Federal Rules of Evidence will apply in this case? Rely on the entire Fact Pattern and any new facts introduced in directions here.
For Fact Pattern C:
At trial, the prosecution seeks to introduce statements of Beth as made to the police in a police report.
What rules from the Federal Rules of Evidence will apply in this case? Rely on the entire Fact Pattern and any new facts introduced in directions here.
For Fact Pattern D:
Assume the DA charged Bill with a crime. At trial, Dan is called as a witness and testifies that Bill told him there was an investment fund and that Bill was an investment manager. Bill also told Dan all the information he had been told by Amy. Dan testified to Amy’s statements as told to Bill.
What issue of evidence does this raise, if any? Rely on the entire Fact Pattern and any new facts introduced in this fact pattern.