Describe the negotiation: what took place? How did the offers and counters go back and forth? How was the negotiation exercise finally resolved?

Read the attachment titled “Unit 6 Negotiation Exercise Elmwood Hospital” and then read each of the following roles titled “Mediators”, “Concerned Community Coalition _CCC_” & “Hospital Board & Administrators”. After reading the negotiation exercise and required readings for the negotiation, be prepared to complete an individual analysis explaining how the negotiation went.
Prepare an analysis of your negotiation exercise after you have completed it, incorporating a minimum of seven citations from course reading. Write this analysis from the perspective of what has been learned from the readings and how you applied these principles to the negotiation. Use the attachment titled “roles” for the names that need to be used as mediator, hospital board etc…
Conclusions must be well reasoned and supported with at least 7 citations from the course readings. The analysis should be a minimum of 1250 words in APA format, excluding the title page and references. Be sure to follow the guidelines outlined in the grading rubric. The objectives for this assignment are as follows:
1. Describe the negotiation: what took place? How did the offers and counters go back and forth? How was the negotiation exercise finally resolved?
2. Who do you think “won” the negotiation? Why?
3. How did the reading materials apply to the negotiation that you and your partner and/or opponent undertook, the strategies you and your opponent employed, and your respective degrees of success? Be sure to explain your conclusions thoroughly with support from the course readings.
4. How you would do things differently in the future? Why? Be sure to explain your conclusions thoroughly with support from the course readings.

• Prepare a quality, substantive paper that addresses the objectives of the assignment and the expectations set forth in the grading rubric.
• The analysis should be a minimum of 1250 words in APA format, excluding the title page and references.
• Use APA format – Refer to APA Style and the Online Writing Center resources in Academic Resources for guidance on paper and citation formatting.
o Conclusions must be well reasoned and supported with at least 7 citations from the course readings
o All external cited sources must have been published within the 5 years.