What do you know about the online environment? What skills do you have in virtual collaboration? How have your knowledge and skills developed in this unit?

Learning from direct experience can be more effective if coupled with reflection—that is, the intentional attempt to synthesise, abstract, and articulate the key lessons taught by experience.
(Di Stefano 2014)
In this assignment you are asked to reflect in more detail on your experience during this unit, including the theories and practices you have learned, and how this influenced your professional and personal development.

Consider the following points to get you started:

What do you know about the online environment? What skills do you have in virtual collaboration? How have your knowledge and skills developed in this unit?
What was a key goal for you in this unit? What is a key goal for you in your course? Based on your experience thus far with your studies, what has helped and/or hindered you in your journey towards these goals?
What have you discovered about yourself as a learner?
Use relevant literature from various sources to back up your writing.

This assignment supports unit learning outcome 4.

Please note: COM10003 uses both Swinburne Harvard and APA referencing style. Please use the appropriate style for your discipline. Contact your eLA if you are unsure which style you should use.