Explain how the HIT innovation has improved patient outcomes. Support each answer with at least one (1) source of scholarly evidence.

Complete Parts A and B on the following worksheet. All responses should be written in complete sentences.

Part A: Applications of Health Information Technology in Practice

Review each of the following current applications of HIT on pp. 309 – 312 of your textbook (Blais & Hayes, 2016).
physician order entry
clinical information systems
wireless and portable devices
electronic health record

2. Choose three (3) current applications of HIT that you have experienced or witnessed within the healthcare practice setting to discuss in the boxes below.
Describe the HIT innovation.
Compare and contrast the HIT innovation with older methods of workflow.
Explain how the HIT innovation has improved patient outcomes. Support each answer with at least one (1) source of scholarly evidence.

Innovation #1: Description, Comparison/Contrast, Patient Outcomes

Innovation #2: Description, Comparison/Contrast, Patient Outcomes

Innovation #3: Description, Comparison/Contrast, Patient Outcomes

Part B: Navigating Change

The implementation of any HIT innovation requires change. Reflect on your experiences with HIT changes in the healthcare setting. Think about the people and processes that were involved in the change.

Choose two (2) common/motivating forces associated with HIT changes you have experienced in the healthcare setting. See p. 290 of your textbook (Blais & Hayes, 2016).

Describe the motivating force.
Give an example of how the motivating force manifested itself in the healthcare setting.
How did the motivating force facilitate or accelerate the implementation of HIT changes in the healthcare setting?

Motivating Force #1: Description, Example, Effect

Motivating Force #2: Description, Example, Effect

Choose two (2) restraining forces associated with HIT changes you have experienced in the healthcare setting. See p. 290 of your textbook (Blais & Hayes, 2016).

Describe the restraining force.
Give an example of how the restraining force manifested itself in the healthcare setting.
How did the restraining force impede or block the implementation of HIT changes in the healthcare setting?

Restraining Force #1: Description, Example, Effect

Restraining Force #2: Description, Example, Effect