In this coursework assignment, you will have to write 2 paragraphs. The 2 paragraphs combined MUST be at least 1 full page. Fo each paragraph, you will be responding to the following writing prompt:
————–Writing Prompt Begin——————–
Paragraph #1: Please discuss the following scenario (taken from assigned readings from Chapter 1 which is listed in the attached reading and background material).
You manage a four-physician office practice in a competitive neighborhood. Vendors often bring lunches and gifts for your staff and samples of prescription medications that the physicians give to patients. Could this be a problem? Why or why not?
Paragraph #2: Please discuss the following scenario (taken from assigned readings from Chapter 1 which is listed in the attached reading and background material.)
You were recently hired to manage a new primary care physician’s office. The physician’s office will be located downtown in a major metropolitan area with significant competition. You need to establish the organization’s purpose and financial objectives. What items should you consider in establishing the organization’s purpose? What organizational purpose should you suggest to the physician owners? What should the financial objectives of the organization be?
————End Writing Prompt————————–
Other Instructions:
-Please make sure you are referencing the reading materials in your response.
-Your response, for each paragraph, must include at least one of the refences listed in the attached reading and background materials.
-You must cite your references both in-text and on the references page, per APA guidelines.