What are the primary functions of your job?What is the mission of the area that you supervise?

In this assignment, you are to interview (phone, email, face-to-face, etc.) one student service professional and write a 1 – 2 page paper summarizing the interview.
Step 1
Interview a student service professional at your institution (or a nearby institution) of higher education. Your interview should consist of, but is not limited to, the prompts listed below.
• What are the primary functions of your job?
• What is the mission of the area that you supervise?
• How does this mission fit into the broader goals of the institution?
• What are the greatest challenges that you face in your role?
• What do you like most / least about your job?
Step 2
Write a 1 – 2 page summary of the interview using the interview questions as a guide for the paper.
Paper Specs
• Put your name and word count in the upper left corner of the paper (300 – 450 words).
• Format and cite using APA style.
• Include the questions in the paper, but do not count them toward the final word count.
• Save the assignment to your computer and upload to this assignment for grading.