What local or global factors caused the lynching in Shubuta in 1918? How did whites (in Mississippi and elsewhere) respond to the lynching? How did blacks (in Mississippi and elsewhere) respond to the lynching? Who was Walter White and how did he fight against racism and lynching? How did African Americans challenge lynching and racial violence in the 1920s-1940s?

Be sure to include material from the lecture, from The Hanging Bridge,(page 3-87 only) and from the primary source (“Estill Springs”)”The Estill Springs Lynching” (pgs. 16-20 of The Crisis). ONLY. Topics/issues/ and themes to consider include: Why, according to Ward, was the Shubuta bridge an important symbol? What local or global factors caused the lynching in Shubuta in 1918? How did whites (in Mississippi and elsewhere) respond to the lynching? How did blacks (in Mississippi and elsewhere) respond to the lynching? Who was Walter White and how did he fight against racism and lynching? How did African Americans challenge lynching and racial violence in the 1920s-1940s?

Absolutely NO outside sources other than the ones I listed PLEASE. I am attaching a file on the professors lecture in which examples have to be used from his lecture as well.