Explain how the organization is structured and comment about the ways the organization handles its cause.

For this assignment, write a two-page paper addressing the following:

* Pick an organization from Socialbrite (Links to an external site.) and write an overview of the organization.

*Explain how the organization is structured and comment about the ways the organization handles its cause.

Use Stecker (2014), Internal Revenue Services “Lifecycle of an Exempt Organization,” (Links to an external site.) and 2017 Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS): Chapter 82—Nonprofit Corporations (Links to an external site.) to support your paper.

For the first bullet of the assignment, please give a thorough overview of the organization, including what they do, who they provide services to, what kind of services they provide, and any other overview information to explain the organization.
For the second bullet, you will explain the overall structure and how the organization handles its cause. There are two links provided beneath this bullet. The assignment calls for the integration of these sources to inform your paper, which are the IRS website and a website of the Nevada Revised Statutes on Nonprofit Corporations. I know these websites can be confusing and overwhelming, in general, so I want to provide more clarification on the use of these:
The reason that these websites are included is to help provide context and definitions of the different types of organizations, which are as follows:
On the Nevada Revised Statutes website, you will find the definition of a corporation.
On the IRS website, you’ll find the definitions and characterizations of charitable organizations (both public and private foundations), and social welfare organizations. There are a couple other types of organizations listed on this site too, which you will not need to use or refer to.
The way you will integrate the information on the IRS and Nevada Revised Statute websites is by doing the following:
You will use the information from these websites to provide detail on the type of organization it is, based on what you see on their website about their operations and how it appears they respond to their cause.
Some organizational websites will state what kind of organization they are (public charity, private foundation, etc.); and some will not. What you want to do is use the definitions and characteristics from the IRS and Nevada website to inform this.