What is one motif within the play? How does the motif establish or reinforce the tone, theme, conflict, and characters?

What is one motif within the play? How does the motif establish or reinforce the tone, theme, conflict, and characters?
During England’s Renaissance period, the theatre was a place for every member of society. Queen Elizabeth would be seated with the aristocracy as the common people, called groundlings, would be standing near the stage. Since plays had to cater to every sector of society, often playwrights would mix comedy and tragedy to appeal to everyone’s sensibilities. What moments of comedy exist in this play? How do they affect the tone and mood?
How are Hell, Lucifer, and Mephistophilis depicted throughout the play? What is Marlowe suggesting about the nature of evil, and why would he create them in this way?
What is Faustus’ greatest sin? How is Marlowe using Faustus to teach about the nature of sin throughout the play?
Analyze how Willie and Hank act as foils in Ib Melchior’s “The Racer.” Provide specific quotes from the story to show each character trait and element. If aspects are missing, think about why Melchior would leave them out.

Willie Hank
Physical Attributes
What do the characters look like?
How do they dress?
What lacks in their physical descriptions?

How do the characters talk?
What is revealed through their diction and topics of conversations?
Mannerisms and Behaviors
How do the characters carry themselves?
What are the characters’ idiosyncrasies?
What do the characters do?
What do the characters refuse to do?
What are the characters major ideas or arguments?
What are the beliefs of each character?

Analyze how the Old Man and Mephostophilis act as foils in Marlowe’s Faustus. Provide specific quotes from the play to show each character trait and element. If aspects are missing, think about why Marlowe would leave them out.

The Old Man Mephostophilis
Physical Attributes
What do the characters look like?
How do they dress?
What lacks in their physical descriptions?

How do the characters talk?
What is revealed through their diction and topics of conversations?
Mannerisms and Behaviors
How do the characters carry themselves?
What are the characters’ idiosyncrasies?
What do the characters do?
What do the characters refuse to do?
What are the characters major ideas or arguments?
What are the beliefs of each character?