Sports Ministry Plan Part I
The student will write a 3–5 page research-based paper in current APA format that focuses on the topic provided within Blackboard. All written assignments are required to include a title page and reference page at the end of the paper.
For this assignment, start thinking of a specific place that could be a target of a sport ministry effort. Choose an area that is not in your home country and research the general culture, the socioeconomic environment, the sports culture, and religious environment of the area. Cite at least 3 scholarly sources in support of your assertions.
Indicate the geographical area you will be studying and describe why this location was important to select.
Discuss each of the areas mentioned above in detail and provides an in-depth overview of the location.
Elaborate on the plan to initiate a sport ministry effort.
Summarize the importance of sport ministry and how it can change the culture and beliefs of a specific region.