Discuss.As a nation, people often look for leaders with character, who make decisions based on what is right and go beyond what is legally required. If this is so, how are there so many examples of unethical patterns for Fugate to reference in his lecture?

PART 1: Thinking “Big” about Technical Communication
This week, you watched a video about technical writers who work at Google. However, technical communication is defined by more than just its subject matter. All industries need employees with technical writing skills. Consider the information presented in chapter 1 about what defines technical communication. In PART 1 of your discussion post, identify potential non-technical applications of technical writing. To get ideas consider the purpose of technical communication addressed in chapter 1 alongside your interests, hobbies, and community.
PART 2 : Considering Ethics
Cahpter 2 in your textbook is a follow-up to week one’s focus on plagiarism. All instances of plagiarism are unethical, but not all are illegal. Likewise, there are unethical components to writing that move beyond plagiarism and these unethical components, while shady, are not illegal. Not all actions that are wrong are illegal. Professor Fugate, in his Ted Talk, explains that the vast majority of unethical behavior is legal with ethical liability being a test of character.
As a nation, people often look for leaders with character, who make decisions based on what is right and go beyond what is legally required. If this is so, how are there so many examples of unethical patterns for Fugate to reference in his lecture?
For this discussion, choose one instance of unethical leadership where the leaders did not face serious enough consequences in Fugate’s or your view. He lists a number of them at the 10 minute mark in the presentation. You could also consider the recent college entrance scandal that took place or other business-based scandals in the last ten years.
Please do the following and present at clear, 2-3 paragraph discussion:
* Choose your “scandal”
* Summarize, based on brief research, the basic information
* Who was/is involved?
* What was the issue?
* What were the consequences for those involved?
* What were the punishments for those involved? Were they legal and/or ethical? Where they harsh enough in your opinion? Why?
* How could something similar– a “scandal”– play out in the career field you are in/going into?