What role does a personal sense of morality play in the course material you have studied so far? How does myth help shape an individual’s values?

Consider all that you have read and viewed so far this term – the readings, the course videos, and all of the other content – and then answer the following questions:

Based on the course material, how “just” and/or “fair” is the world and the relationship that exists between man and god that is envisioned in the different myths you have read?
According to the myths you have read so far, what is the purpose of creation, and does humanity have a purpose for existing?
What role does a personal sense of morality play in the course material you have studied so far? How does myth help shape an individual’s values?
How do the different types of ritual that have been created help man make sense of his place in the universe?
You can combine all of these questions into one large essay, or you can attack them one by one. Make sure each response includes as much detail as possible, and as many references to the text and the videos as possible. Follow the CWI structure, and make sure that you provide concrete support. Do not include vague examples. You do not need to bring outside material in to answer these questions; however, if you do, make sure that you cite your sources properly in the body of the paper and include a works cited page.

Provide insightful answers that are fully developed. Your submission should total AT LEAST 4 pages, typed and double-spaced. If you use full quotes from the text or videos, or any other source material, please make sure you use quotations marks and give credit to the source parenthetically: (Campbell Video), or citations for any of the readings.

the files in the bottom are there if you need them